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NTC SISTEM UČENJA (Stimulacija darovitosti)

Autor programa Ranko Rajović je dugogodišnji član četvoročlanog komiteta svetske Mense za darovitu decu. Okupio je tim eminentnih stručnjaka iz oblasti pedagogije, neurofiziologije, defektologije, psihologije i genetike, koji je uobličio efikasan i jednostavan program, sa mogućnošću praćenja i merenja postignutih rezultata. Prednost ovako koncipiranog programa jeste mogućnost primene u predškolskom uzrastu (3-7 godina) i stimulacija razvoja intelektualnih potencijala svakog deteta. Posebna prednost ovog Programa je u tome  što se kroz ovakav pristup dodatno podstiče razvoj darovite dece kao i njihovo rano otkrivanje. Podatak da se ljudski mozak do pete godine razvija preko 50%, dovoljan je razlog da se sa primenom specijalizovanih programa otpočne u što ranijem uzrastu. Odgovornost društva, lokalne zajednice i roditelja je da se ovaj izuzetno važan period ne propusti i da se maksimalno podstakne razvoj biološkog potencijala svakog deteta.


The author of this program, Ranko Rajovic  is a long-term member of the four-member committee of the International Mensa for gifted children. Taking into consideration that he has all the accurate information and that he is in touch with almost all worldwide programs for gifted children, he made a team of experts in the field of pedagogy, neurophysiology, defectology, psychology and genetics. Together, they made efficient and simple program which has an option of continuous assessment and evaluation. The advantage of this kind of concept is its application to preschool children (aged between 3 and 7), just as stimulation of the development of intellectual abilities of each child. A special advantage of this program is that it additionally stimulates the development of talented kids and their early detection.  Just the fact that human brain develops over 50% of its capacity up to the age of five should be a reason enough to start with the application of specialized programs as early as possible. It is the responsibility of the society, local community and each parent not to miss this extremely important period in life and to support the development of biological potentials of each child to its maximum.


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