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  • This competition is organized by the National Mensa of ___________., as part of the International Project Convergence.
  • The theme for 2007 is: Our country - our children.
  • There is no entry fee for the Competition. The entrant must be a financial member of this national Mensa for the duration of the competition.
  • Photo prints should be ideally 13 cm x 18 cm and not exceeding 20 cm, or digital images 300 dpi, up to 2 MB. Entries in the national competition must be sent and postmarked by July 31, 2007.
  • . * Direct International members only may send their entries to the following address, postmarked by August 31, 2007.
    ARC, Uros Petrovic
    Technical editor of MWPC
    Blagoja Parovica 119
    Belgrade 11000 Serbia
  • Digital images should be sent to the following e-mail address: mensaworldphotocup@gmail.com by August 31, 2007.
  • Name, membership number, email and photography title should be put on a sticker on the back of the photography, or included in the text of an email if the photo is digital.
  • The photos should be mailed to the following national mailing address: __________________________________ or emailed to: ___________________ (postal address of the National Mensa office, or of the person in charge of the Competition)
  • Each entrant may submit up to three images in total.
  • Digital images should not have been significantly altered by digital editing.
  • All entries must be the sole work of the entrant.
  • The three best entries in the national competition will be selected by a locally organized judging panel. Entries will be judged on the effectiveness of how they convey the theme, as well as composition, technical and other considerations. The decision of the Judging Panel is not negotiable.
  • The three best entries in each National Mensa competition will be included in the third Mensa World Photo Cup, under the supervision of Mensa International Limited. The closing date for the Mensa World Photo Cup is August 31, 2007. An International Judging Panel of experts will select a winner from the national and Direct International Mensa finalists.
  • Winning photographs will become part of the 'Mensa IPC Collection' and will be exhibited at the Annual Gatherings and otherwise publicized. The sponsor of this year's competition, Serbian company BB MINAQUA AD (http://www.bbminaqua.com/) will provide prizes for the winners of the Intenational competition.
  • The entrant will retain copyright of the photography, but will grant Mensa nonexclusive rights for publication in Mensa journals, on Mensa websites, on Photo SIG posters, for display in exhibitions, or other appropriate places as part of the Mensa IPC Collection without any financial reward to the contestant.
  • By submitting entries for the Contest, the entrant accepts all the conditions listed above.

Copyright © 1998-2025. Mensa Srbije
info@mensa.rs      design by Suzana Tomić